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- DO eat a good meal 2-3 hours before going to do weight lifting or if you’re going to run for more than an hour.

How long before?
It depends on you since each of us has a different rate of digestion and metabolism.
The best way to check it out is to try and see. Notice that this data could change along the year, on different seasons and depending on you and your metabolism. This meal needs to be rich in carbohydrates which are stored into the liver and muscles, this is the fuel we will use during the workout.

- DON'T avoid a meal if you want to burn fat!
Our body is a great consumer of energy, and we need to provide it with the right energy so it will to work properly. The consequence of working out without eating properly (especially those who love to work out in the morning time) is to store more fat and loose our training endurance.

- DO combine different types of exercise in your workout. Human muscles react very well to different ways of stimulation. The best is to combine, for example, resistance training (weights) with endurance training.
For example: if you want to work on your pectorals, do lifts in bench press up to 80% of your maximal weight and immediately perform 30 pushups or chest passes.

- DON'T stay a long period of time in the same exercise or a long time working on a specific part of the body, since uncontrolled increase of muscle in this part, might lead to muscle imbalance in the rest of the body.
The frontal body (which we can see in the mirror) is just half of us! Work also on the back part!


Here you can find fitness and sports Tips - By Ariel Harlev, Sports and Dancers Rehabilitation



Do’s and don'ts - fitness wise

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